The Main Causes Of Conflict Between Employees

ways to solve employee conflicts

Let’s begin by saying that it is natural for employees to have disagreements occasionally, but it is important to handle these conflicts constructively and respectfully. Having clear policies for addressing conflicts can help ensure employees can resolve issues quickly and effectively.

What are the causes of conflict between employees?

Poor communication

When employees don’t talk openly and honestly with each other, it can lead to misunderstandings and resentment that can cause conflict. In addition, poor communication can prevent productive collaboration and create an environment where each party cannot work together effectively towards common goals.

Personality clashes

Even if people work together, they may clash with different personalities. It can manifest itself in verbal arguments or passive-aggressive behavior.

Unfair treatment

When an employee feels that they are not being treated fairly, it can lead to resentment and anger, which can eventually bubble over into conflicts between individuals in the workplace. Unfair treatment could be anything from unequal pay for equal work to having different expectations for certain employees than others.

Competition for resources

When multiple employees have to compete for limited resources, such as projects or promotions, it can cause friction and resentment that leads to conflict.

Different working styles

Employees who work in different ways may clash due to different task approaches and perspectives. For example, if one employee prefers to work independently while another prefers to collaborate with others, this could lead to tension and arguments in the workplace.

Conflicting Goals

If two employees want different outcomes from a project, they may disagree with each other, creating tension and conflict between them.

Stressful work environment

Workplace stress can lead to increased tension and negative interactions between co-workers. Stressful environments create an atmosphere of competition and mistrust, resulting in co-workers feeling pitted against each other or that certain individuals receive preferential treatment.

Unclear Expectations

When expectations are unclear or communicated, it can lead to misunderstandings and disagreements between employees. Without a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities, workers may be uncertain how to contribute best or what is expected.

How to solve conflicts between employees?

One of the most effective ways to solve employee conflicts is to use active listening. By actively listening, managers can better understand the issues behind a conflict and help mediate a solution that both parties can agree on.

Once you have identified the cause of the conflict, bring together those involved to discuss it openly and honestly. Be sure that everyone has an opportunity to express their opinion without interruption or judgment from any other party. Then asking each person involved for their ideas and suggestions on resolving the conflict can help create a feeling of ownership among them. Finally, once an agreement is reached, it’s important to create an action plan that outlines each party’s responsibilities for resolving the issue.